In almost all cases yes. Bundles and caller packages have been designed to make service providers more money than by simply charging customers for what they use. A current example is where one of the UK’s large service providers offers line rental at £14.50 per month and for an additional £3.50 will give inclusive UK landline minutes. What the headline fails to mention is that UK mobile calls will be charged at almost 10p per minute with a 6p connection charge. This means that 30 second call to leave someone a voicemail message will cost 16p and a mobile conversation lasting 10 minutes will cost £1.06; the same calls on IPX’s service would cost 3p and 30p respectively in addition to which the total monthly charges would be £18.00 from the above provider as opposed to £12.00 from IPX.
Another potential “trap” to beware of is that bundles usually apply to individual lines. If you are a business with 4 lines you would have to purchase bundles on each line to be certain not to incur “standard” charging which can be up to 8p per minute for landline and 20p per minute for mobiles plus associated connection charges.