Have you ever considered running your own technology based business? IPX Telecom offer franchise opportunities throughout the UK to companies or individuals seeking a low cost entry into the telecommunications sector. An IPX franchise includes full branding, product support, billing services, technical support and on-going training. Previous telecommunications experience is not a pre requisite for running an IPX franchise as full training and support is included. The most important qualities for an IPX franchisee are the desire to succeed, the willingness to share our vision of providing a uniquely local service and the ability to project a confident and professional persona to customers.
As an IPX franchisee you will be able to offer a full range of high quality services as shown on our Services page. An IPX franchise allows you to own, operate and grow your own company without being distracted by the complexities of billing, sourcing suppliers or learning the technical aspects of telecommunications. As a franchisee you are provided with proven high quality products and services and sophisticated back office systems that enable you to concentrate on giving your customers what they need.
Unlike other franchise opportunities we do not aim to make money simply from signing up franchisees and as such our entry costs are very low; In addition to this we believe that any new business should be given time to grow, which is why we do not impose over optimistic targets or put undue pressure on any of our franchisees.
To find out more about our franchise opportunities please feel free to contact us at enquiries@ipx-tele.com or via our contact page.